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Skill progression

The Writing Approach

We use ‘The Write Stuff’ as an approach for writing. This is a combination of experience lessons (to build vocabulary and first-hand experiences) and Sentence Stacking lessons (where vocabulary is used and sentences are crafted through the use of the Writing Rainbow).


The punctuation and grammar curriculum is embedded within the teaching of writing through the arc of the GRAMMARISTICs in the Writing Rainbow. Children learn about an aspect, see it in demonstration writing and then are given the opportunity to apply it to their own writing. 


Punctuation and Grammar
Teachers use half-termly PAGES (Punctuation and Grammar Essential Skills) to ensure year group objectives are covered and learnt. Grammar and punctuation are also taught through writing, where it is the focus of the success criteria as lenses from the Writing Rainbow.


At St Peter’s we follow the Jason Wade ‘Sounds and Syllables’ approach to spelling. Each word is broken down into its syllables and then each of the sounds, within each syllable, are identified. Children have weekly ‘Sound and Syllables’ spelling lessons, which link directly to the spellings take home to learn for weekly tests. The use of sounds and syllables to support spelling is promoted across the curriculum.


At St Peter's, we follow 'Letter Join' as a continuous cursive handwriting progression of skills once the children are able to form letters correctly. Children are taught handwriting each week and given opportunities for practice. Handwriting standards are expected across the curriculum. From Reception class, children are taught correct letter formation. 
