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How Are The Governors Organised?

The governors are:


Fr. Jack Lusted (Parish Priest – Foundation Governor and Chair)

Georgina Knight (Parent Governor and Vice Chair)

Mrs Quinlan (Staff Governor)

Mrs Claffey (Head Teacher)
Isabel Fernadez (Foundation Governor)

Antoni Daszewski (Foundation Governor)

Dominique Rouse (Foundation Governor)

David Faragher (Parent Governor


The governing body meets once every half-term.


There are statutory committees which meet when required which are:-

Admissions Committee
Headteacher’s Performance Management Review Panel Chair
Pay Performance Review Panel


There are special positions on the Governing Body and these are filled

as follows:


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

and Safeguarding Governor – Georgina Knight
Health & Safety Governor -


A role of governors is to establish links with the subject leaders in the school and make visits to meet with those leaders and look at how the school is carrying out its responsibilities in the various subjects.

The allocation of subjects is as follows:

Health and Safety – Antoni Daszewski

Finance - Antoni Daszewski

RE - Fr. Jack Lusted

English – Dominique Rouse
Mathematics – Dominique Rouse

Science - Fr. Jack Lusted 

Computing – Fr. Jack Lusted

EYFS/Reception – Georgina Knight
Creative Curriculum – Georgina Knight

P.E. - 

Eco Team – Georgina Knight

Early Years – Georgina Knight

